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Clare House PTA

The Clare House Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a charity which raises money to provide Clare House with equipment and resources that will enhance your child’s learning experience during their time at school. We do this through a range of fundraising activities which create a sense of community.

We have donated over £100,000 to school since 2015. The funds raised over the years have paid for the Clare House Library and enabled us to provide our children with swimming lessons, educational equipment, laptops, iPads, and the BMYT music programme.  

  • All parents and carers are automatically members of the PTA when their child joins the school. If you would like to become actively involved and contribute to the school community, you can join the PTA Committee or the Volunteer Bank.
  • The Committee oversees the day-to-day running of the PTA and organises fundraising events. The Committee meets monthly to ensure the smooth running of the PTA, with smaller working groups meeting when we are planning events.
  • The Volunteer Bank is made up of parents and carers who want to help out on a more informal basis rather than joining the more formal Committee. We appreciate that everyone has different constraints on their time, so this gives the opportunity to be involved to the level you are able to.

If you would like to join the PTA Committee or Volunteer Bank, please contact

If you would like find out more about forthcoming planned events, please click

Clare House PTA Committee



B.Tibisai Mendez Rosas Chair
Shamineh Mavalvala Chair
Laura Knight Treasurer
Kirk Jackson Secretary
Sara Davies Trustee
Victoria Woodcock Trustee

Ways to get involved

Ways to get involved

  • Become a Volunteer Bank member. Help out at an event and get to know local parents in the school community.
  • Become a Committee member.  Contact an existing Committee member to learn more.
  • Become a Class Representative. This role is valuable in connecting parents to the school.

Ways to Give

Regular Giving

By donating regularly, you will be helping the PTA to provide support to Clare House on longer term projects such as providing specialist music provision throughout the year. A share of the money raised through Regular Giving will be used by Jane Holland to further advance standards of education at Clare House.

You can donate directly by Standing Order. It’s quick and easy to set up a monthly or annual standing order, commonly through your online banking platform to the Clare House PTA Regular Giving Account:

Clare House Primary School PTA


Sort code: 40-09-25

Account: 21716034

Reference: Your Name

Clare House and the PTA are extremely grateful for all donations.

Gift Aid

As our PTA is a registered charity, we are able to raise money through Gift Aid. This is tax claimed back from the

Inland Revenue from donations made to us out of your earned income and can really boost funds for the school.

Once we have your Gift Aid form every time you support the PTA with an eligible donation we get extra cash. If you are a UK tax payer, we are able to claim 25p in every pound that you donate to our PTA. It couldn’t be simpler to do, we ask parents to sign the declaration form to confirm you are a UK taxpayer, you only need to sign it once, and you can cancel it at any time.

There’s nothing else for you to do and we don’t need any other information from you. Gift Aid is taken on trust and you can support more than one charity in this way. If you are a UK taxpayer, please take the time to download and complete the declaration form below.

Charity GAD Multiple Donations

Payroll Giving is a scheme which allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly on a tax free basis to the charities and good causes of their choice. Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you’re a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p.

Employees can choose to support Clare House PTA with a regular donation direct from their pay. It’s cheaper because it’s tax free - for example, a donation of £5 per month costs the basic rate tax payer £4.00. The taxman pays the rest!

Higher rate taxpayers- the only way to pass on your 40% or 45% tax to charities. Only 28% can be recouped via other ways of giving. If you would like to support the PTA through Payroll Giving, please ask your employer about the scheme.

Company Matched Giving

Enquire if your employer offers Company Matched Giving. Employers may pledge to donate to a charity such as Clare House PTA an amount of money relating to the amount that the employee donates or fundraises

PTA Bank Details and Forms

Clare House PTA has a bank account to receive donations the details of which are below. When making a regular or one-off donation to the PTA bank account, please use your child’s first initial and surname as the reference. It is important we know where donations come from as we are often able to claim Gift Aid on donations.

Clare House Primary School PTA

HSBC Beckenham

Sortcode: 40-09-25

Account: 21716034

The PTA welcomes cheques made payable to ‘Clare House PTA’, please send via the school office, or by post c/o Clare House Primary School. (If you are paying for PTA events or other fundraising activity please do not use this account)

Forms for Regular Giving

Join the 100 Club

Draws take place every month from September to August in which you could win cash prizes. Buy your number for £12 for 12 months.

CLARE HOUSE 100 CLUBShop online as follows:

Sign up (1):                

Purchase Second Hand School Uniform

We run second hand uniform sales once or twice a term.  Please ask via your class rep or email the PTA for the next uniform sale date

PTA Events Booking Website

Social Media Policy

PTA Constitution

Clare House Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) is a member of Parentkind formerly PTA-UK. Parentkind provides support for PTAs to establish good governance and have a clear set of rules by which the association is run. Our PTA membership includes a model constitution which sets out our governance structure based on charity law and best practice for PTAs.


Treasurer and Chair Reports

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