Our Wellbeing Team
All staff members have a responsibility to support and promote children’s and staff’s mental health and wellbeing. There are certain staff members who have a specific role within Clare House Primary School:
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss Andrews
Deputy Safeguarding Leads – Miss McKenzie and Mrs Cleaves
Inclusion Leader/SENCO - Mrs Cleaves
Personal Development lead [PSHE] – Mrs Lynch
Personal Development lead [RSE]- Ms Crowle
Mental Health Leads - Mrs Cleaves/Mrs Lynch
Mental Health First Aiders –Mrs Lynch, Mrs Glennon and Mrs Damany
Support for Children
Mental health and wellbeing are an integral part of life at Clare House Primary School. This is arranged from a universal level support to a more personalised and specialist support.
Our Universal offer includes
- Zones of Regulation charts in place in all classes.
- Calm corners
- Worry boxes
- Sensory circuits in place for some children.
- Sensory room under development.
- Pupil passports
- Peer mentors- Y6 play leaders.
- NSPCC speak out, stay safe visits: Year 5 and 6 workshops
- NSPCC whole school assembly
Specific interventions offered include
- Listening ears
- Sensory circuits/walks
- 1:1 sessions with adult mentors
- School counsellor (2 hours per week)
- Signposting for children/parents to outside agencies e.g. Bromley Childen’s Project, Bromley Y, Bromley Young Carers, Bereavement support
- Mental health and wellbeing is embedded in our school curriculum in many different subject areas including PSHE and RSE
- Wellbeing surveys are carried out yearly as part of the PSHE curriculum. These are analysed carefully and appropriate support is put into place for individuals/groups as required
- Assemblies cover mental health topics throughout the year
Link to Safeguarding curriculum:
Link to PHSE curriculum
Link to RSE curriculum:
Wellbeing Support Links
The Wellbeing Hub
Bromley Y
Bromley Y Website outlining their offer including webinars, workshops and groups.
Bromley Y Support Calls for Parents and Carers.
Bromley Y Sign Post Poster
Bromley Y Useful websites for young people
Bromley Parenting Hub
Welcome to the Bromley Parenting Hub - Bromley Parenting Hub
Bromley Children’s Project Courses
BCP Parenting Courses (Parent edition) by BromleyChildrenProject - Issuu
Bromley Children’s Project Early Support Service
What is early help for families
Zones of Regulation
Introduction to The Zones of Regulation PowerPoint
The Zones of Regulation | A Curriculum For Emotional Regulation
Winston's Wish - Specialist Bereavement Support Services
Winston's Wish support children and young people after the death of parent or sibling. They can be contacted via their Freephone National Helpline on 08088 020 021 for advice and guidance.
Please click here to visit their website.
Candle Child Bereavement Service
Simply Connect Bromley - Candle Child Bereavement Service
Bromley Local Offer SEND
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer – London Borough of Bromley